We are happy to share that the joint AREANA WP1 and ECARE session which took place in the frame of the 14th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space towards sustainability today & tomorrow" was a success.
The EASN conference offered a great platform for more than 500 scientists and researchers from all over the world to present their latest discoveries across various thematic sessions. These sessions, thoughtfully curated by respected experts, aim to facilitate knowledge exchange and foster collaboration.
In this context, AREANA WP1 & ECARE, both dealing -inter alia- with the topic of supporting synergies between European, National and Regional R&I aviation programs and stakeholders, held a dedicated common session and presented their foremost latest progress, activities and results.
A fist introductory presentation was given by the Work-package leader The German Aerospace Center (DLR), together with WP1 partner NLR - Netherlands Aerospace Centre, on Aviation research strategy alignment towards synergetic cooperation in Europe, followed by a more detailed presentation on the Joint call design analysis towards possibilities for multinational cooperation delivered by The Austrian Research Promotion Agency - FFG. A final presentation was given on Research Infrastructure – challenges and options for closer cooperation by the Italian Aerospace Research Center - CIRA.
The conference was hosted by the EASN Association and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. This major event was held from October 8th to 11th, 2024, in the lively city of Thessaloniki, Greece, at the renowned Concert Hall of the city. For more details about the conference and the program, you may refer to the official website: Home (2024) | easnconference.eu