AREANA Presenting at the Joint Info Session on Funding Synergies and Networks

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Brussels, December 10 – A dynamic Joint Info Session on Funding Synergies and Networks was co-organized by the ECARE project and Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking with SESAR 3 JU, and it brought together key stakeholders to discuss the future of European aviation. The event aimed to foster collaborations and focused on exploring synergies between European and national/regional research and innovation programs in the aviation sector.

During the afternoon session, AREANA presentations were delivered by the project coordinator Pavlina Lobpreisová and Workpackage 1 leader, Hartwig Hagena. Their presentations outlined three core objectives:

  • Strengthening the Competitiveness of European Aviation: A concerted effort to ensure Europe remains a global leader in aviation through cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships.
  • Creating Synergies: Emphasizing the importance of collaboration across sectors to maximize resources and expertise for mutual benefit.
  • Highlighting Impact and Outcomes: Demonstrating how current and future projects contribute to the aviation sector’s growth, with tangible benefits for both industry and society.

The event saw enthusiastic participation from attendees, including industry experts, policymakers, and researchers. The vibrant discussions and exchange of ideas underscored the collective commitment to driving meaningful progress in the aviation sector.


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