AREANA R&I aviation programs synergies Successfully Kicked-off

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The AREANA (Aviation Research Ecosystem Advanced Novel Approach) Coordination and Support Action, funded under Horizon Europe’s research and innovation programme, was officially launched in January 1st 2024 and will run for the next 2 years, until December 2025.

AREANA Work Package 1, on R&I aviation programs synergies, successfully kicked-off on January 31st 2024, at the DLR headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Consortium partners attended this fruitful gathering in the frame of which the upcoming AREANA WP1 activities, work-plan & interactions to be accomplished, were discussed and assembled. Prior to this dedicated meeting, an overall AREANA kick-off meeting was held on January 30th 2024, which set the foreground to the project’s overall implementation.

AREANA WP1 will be implemented by a highly competent consortium that brings together major aviation research centres within the EU and associated countries, and one Belgian SME specialized in dissemination and communication of aeronautical content and networking management (EASN-TIS). These distinguished partners have joined together to work towards achieving research synergies in the aviation sector.

We look forward to the fruitful implementation of AREANA WP1 and towards successfully achieving research synergies within the European Aviation sector!

AREANA WP1 “R&I aviation programs synergies” is led by DLR.

The AREANA overall project is Coordinated by the Czech Aerospace Research Centre.


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