AREANA WP1 & ECARE Join forces at the 14th EASN International Conference

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We are happy to share that a joint AREANA WP1 and ECARE session is currently being organized and will take place in the frame of the 14th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space towards sustainability today & tomorrow". The latter is hosted by the EASN Association and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. This major event will be held from October 8th to 11th, 2024, in the lively city of Thessaloniki, Greece, at the renowned Concert Hall of the city. 

This EASN Conference is all about engaging in a lively exchange of ideas. It will feature prominent figures from Europe's Aviation and Space sectors, representing academia, industry, research, and policymaking, who will share their valuable insights during the Plenary Talks. The conference will offer a platform for scientists and researchers worldwide to present their latest discoveries across various thematic sessions. These sessions, thoughtfully curated by respected experts, aim to facilitate knowledge exchange and foster collaboration. 

In this context, AREANA WP1 & ECARE, both dealing -inter alia- with the topic of supporting synergies between European, National and Regional R&I aviation programs and stakeholders, will hold a dedicated common session, to present their foremost latest progress, activities and results. 

Updated information, as well as the agenda of the session, will follow up soon! Stay tuned!

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